Executive Committee

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Winkler (Chairman)
Head of the Division of Molecular Neurology
Schwabachanlage 6
91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85 39324
Fax: +49 9131 85 36597
Email: juergen.winkler@uk-erlangen.de

Prof. Dr. Marc Stamminger
Department of Computer Sciences 9,
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Cauerstr. 11 (Zi. 01.115.128)
91058 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-29919
Fax: +49 9131 85-29931
Email: marc.stamminger@fau.de

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Brütting
Chair IV for Experimental Physics
University of Augsburg
Universitaetsstr. 1
86159 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 598-3403
Fax: +49 821 598-3425
Email: wolfgang.bruetting@physik.uni-augsburg.de
BaCaTeC Office Bavaria
Henkestr. 91
D-91052 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 / 85-2400-1 (-3 office)
Fax: +49 9131 / 85-24002
Email: info@bacatec.org

Dr. Rainer Rosenzweig
Managing Director
Phone: +49 9131 / 85-2400-1
Email: rosenzweig@bacatec.org

Dr. Jutta Schoppmeier
Phone: +49 9131 / 85-2400-3
Email: sekr@bacatec.org
BaCaTeC Office California
Representative of German Business for the Western United States (GACC West)
101 Montgomery Street, Suite 1900
San Francisco, CA 94104 - USA
Tel.: +1 (415) 248 1253
Fax: +1 (415) 248 7800
E-Mail: ca@bacatec.org
Initiator and former speaker of the Executive Committee of BaCaTeC

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hillen the initiator and speaker of the Executive Committee of BaCaTeC passed away suddenly on October 17th, 2010. He was one of the founders of BaCaTeC and was responsible for the construction and development of BaCaTeC from the beginning.