Mission statement

The mission of BaCaTeC is to increase and promote cooperations between researchers, including academic and commercial efforts, located in Bavaria and California. BaCaTeC will also sponsor projects with seed money to start new collaborations.

Promoting the seeds of crystallization

The Bavarian-Californian University Center contributes to the internationalization of Bavarian universities with a study and research college. It aims to promote “nuclei of crystallization” that will soon develop into a large number of new, intensive collaborations.

Project-related exchange of scientists

The Bavarian-Californian University Center concentrates on the initial support of a project-related exchange of scientists and is limited to the high-tech areas of life sciences, information and communication technologies, new materials, environmental technologies and mechanical engineering. Project proposals that describe a new beginning for long-term cooperation between Bavarian and Californian institutions are therefore eligible for financial support. Interactions between companies and universities on both sides are also supported.

Scope of application, eligibility to apply

The funds are intended to serve as start-up financing for travel and accommodation costs, whereby the basic financing of the research project must be secured. The funding amount for a project is limited to € 20,000 (until 2023 the maximum application amount was € 10,000). Deadlines for submitting applications are April 15 and October 15 of each year. A list of eligible institutions in Bavaria can be found here.