Welcome to the homepage of the Bavaria California Technology Center


Submission Research Projects:
Deadline: October 15th, 2024, pdf (153 KB)
NEW: upper limit € 20,000 per project
vsai, PPP and Subsequent proposals
Application forms

Submission Summer School 2025:
Deadline: October 15th, 2024, pdf (155 KB)
Application forms

Please note:
Authorized institutions as Bavarian project partners are listed here.

Please consider the new funding lines:

* Hightech Agenda Bavaria 2020 (with vsai-program, "visiting scholarships artificial intelligence")

* Joined Public-Private Proposals (with involved company)

* Subsequent funding for successful projects already funded by BaCaTeC

About BaCaTeC: With the help of the Bavaria California Technology Center (BaCaTeC), the Free State of Bavaria supports cooperations between Scientists in Bayern and California within the “High-Tech Initiative Future Bavaria”. As a joint arrangement of all Bavarian universities, BaCaTeC is located at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

The activities of BaCaTeC are focused in the high-tech fields of life sciences, new materials, information and communications technologies, environmental technology and mechanical engineering.


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